According to Defense News, the Pentagon will stand up the US Space Command on August 29th, making it the fifth combatant command within the US defense hierarchy. “Upon its standup, SPACECOM head Gen. Jay Raymond will inherit 87 units, covering “missile warning, satellite operations, space control and space support,” said Gen. Joe Dunford, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff . Raymond has previously said he expects to start with about 642 personnel pulled from U.S. Strategic Command. Army Lt. Gen. James Dickinson has been nominated to become the deputy commander.”
Its not clear what types of weaponry will be attached to the new command or the exact units subordinate to it. Aircraft such as the Lockheed-Martin SR-72 are likely components thereby giving the command near real-time intelligence gathering and active response capability. The SR-72 is an American hypersonic UAV concept intended for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It is also believed that the platform will be weaponized with advanced hypersonic missiles still in development, thereby giving the command the ability to strike targets anywhere in the world within two hours of an attack order.
According to the article, Space Command will start with a nominal strength of 642 personnel pulled from Strategic Command, but will likely grow in size and strength as additional assets are placed under its command.
At this stage, it isn’t clear if the US Space Command will be a participatory command of sorts enabling certain allied nations — who may be unable or unwilling to create a similar command – be granted certain rights and/or protection gleaned from this enhanced surveillance and response system. Canada, for instance, long a member of NORAD, will likely fall under the umbrella protection of the US Space Command as a means of guarding the entire North American continent against a quick strike attack.