We’ve been given the go ahead to move forward with the launch of the Warbirds of World War II line of 1:72 scale military aircraft. Like the Armored Fighting Vehicles of World War II range expected to hit the streets later this year, the Warbirds line will encompass aircraft previously released under the Altaya banner several years ago but unavailable in great quantity here in North America and elsewhere. This time around, they will be packaged within an upscale 5-panel box that will help to explain the aircraft in question much like a Corgi or Hobby Master release. Like the AFV line, each aircraft will come with a numbered limited edition collector card. As a bit of a departure from the norm, we will be releasing them in a different sequential order than when they were first released, meaning the entire assortment and order of release has not been set just yet and could be shuffled around based upon certain criteria. The first six warbirds will likely come out in early 2021, and plans call for six new warbirds to be produced each month thereafter. Unless things change, each release will carry a $34.99 price point.