Recently, at the now concluded Nuremberg Toy Fair, TSM Model Wing left the aviation collecting community a gasp when it revealed its intention to model both a Lockheed A-12 (TSMW720001) as well as a YF-12 aircraft (TSMW720002). While Century Wings modeled both aircraft some time ago, collectors have been after them to release follow-on replicas, something the Company seems loathe to do, for what ever reason. Enter TSM Model Wing, who seemed to have picked up the gauntlet and decided the time was right to expand their aircraft ensemble.

Although pricing is still up in the air, collectors can get a better sense as to what these aircraft will look like when they speed off the runway later this year. Undoubtedly, other versions are in the wings, most notably an SR-71 as well as the M-21 carrier shouldering a D-21 drone. These will likely put in an appearance in 2019, once the manufacturer gets a better sense of the market and its own capacity to build these super-sleek models. Enjoy!

If you like ’em a wee bit smaller, TSM is offering a wide array of 1:200 scale replicas and accessories, including a faux MiG-28 fighter (TSMWTP009) and this spectacular rendition of Fightertown USA (TSMWAC009). Again, we do not have pricing for any of these new introductions, so we ask that you hold off before contacting us to place any pre-orders.