Now that Waltersons has completed its move to its new Indiana warehouse as a result of the Greenlight Collectibles acquisition, we have been informed that our latest order is being prepared for shipment. Barring any unforeseen issues, we are likely looking to receive it the first week of August. This shipment is mostly composed of re-stocks, but it also contains the long out-of-stock 88mm FLaK gun and some of their newest warships.
Beyond that, it appears as if several new vehicles are slated to arrive later in August, fingers crossed. This follow-on shipment will contain the M24 Chaffee tanks, the GMC cargo truck and two Opel ambulances. Also expected are a pair of 1:72 scale Apache gunships.

Frankly, we’ve found that patience is a virtue with this manufacturer particularly since they have taken over their own distribution in an effort to get more product into the sales channel. Its not a knock per se because I can tell you first hand its not easy setting up a brand new warehouse and everything that goes with it. Still, communications could be better, both online and via email, particularly since the holiday season is right around the corner and customers will be seeking out their product as gift-giving ideas. A number of projects have been hinted at yet we see no signs of movement, either through pictures or product information, although we do know they are working diligently to move them along. We recognize that there are a great many fans of the line and wanted to ensure everyone that we are doing our best to pass along information as soon as it is generated. In the meantime, enjoy what you own and know that the manufacturer is burning the midnight oil to get even more product into the pipeline.