After speaking with Waltersons earlier today, they are getting set to ship out our next order, which includes the fourth Sherman tank in their Engine Plus series. The shipment also includes metal tracks expressly developed for the previous Sherman release, an all-new 1:72 scale Chinook helicopter and lots of stuff that was on back order for several weeks running. We should have everything in-house around the second week of April since our order will be shipped out to us via freight instead of a standard ground carrier due to its sheer size and weight.
If you ordered the “Cobra King” Sherman along with this new Sherman tank with wading gear, then we will ship out both vehicles in one parcel to reduce shipping costs. Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long but we originally thought both vehicles would be sent out together instead of this staggered release.

Again, we would appreciate it if everyone refrains from contacting us to ask about their order. As I have indicated previously, it only ends up slowing us down and prevents us from getting your orders out as quickly as possible. If we have any questions regarding your order we will reach out and contact you – otherwise look forward to receiving an order completion notice followed by tracking information. That’s about it for now and hope you enjoy Forces of Valor’s latest diecast hardware.