Waltersons, the owners of the Forces of Valor brand, today indicated that a new shipment is leaving China in early December and, their words not ours, will hopefully arrive at their facility in late December. Frankly, we have our doubts that this shipment will make it to us before the holidays. We reach this decision based upon previous experience with this manufacturer together with logistical issues that will likely conspire to delay its arrival, perhaps into the New Year. We wish we had better news to pass along and, as you might imagine, we do not know if we will have to reroute this shipment so that it is sent to Florida instead of New York should further delays complicate things.
According to the manufacturer, the latest shipment will contain more of the initial Tiger I tank painted in a winter camouflage scheme along with their new Jumbo Sherman. Their Sherman with the Duplex Drive is not expected to be included in this shipment and instead will likely reach fruition in early 2023. This also applies to their soon-to-be-released trio of 1:72 scale P-40 fighters along with both the waterline and full draught versions of their Yamato battleship. I know this comes as disappointing news to a great many of you but here again we play no part in getting product made, shipped out of China or distributed here in North America. If you are looking to give any of these three items as a gift I would strongly suggest choosing a different product that is currently listed as being in stock. Keep in mind too that with our clearance sale kicking off on Monday, the 28th, our remaining stocks of Forces of Valor products will almost certainly sell out quickly.
Update: This email was received from the owner of Waltersons on December 3rd. “Our recent shipment has just been loaded on the vessel yesterday, and it was supposed to occur 5 days ago, however, our factory district got locked down for almost a week. Until 2 days ago, every lock down policy was dramatically lifted. With that said, I think the arrival date to the US will probably be after Xmas, so I think its better if we ship to the Florida facility.”