We recognize that a great many of you are frustrated that they cannot obtain the latest Forces of Valor products here in North America when said products may be available in other parts of the world for months on end. Frankly, we’re just as frustrated, perhaps even more. We’ve heard, on more than one occasion, how a shipment was expected to arrive by such-and-such date, only to learn that the shipment has been delayed for one reason or another and rescheduled to arrive at a later date. Part of this is simply due to COVID and the effects it has had on the global supply chain. Manufacturers have been decimated by sick outs and, in turn, have had to deal with rising costs, and naturally enough, had to endure delays in getting raw materials to their facility so that they could be hammered into finished goods.
That said, we have also been confronted with a number of other issues that have nothing to do with the pandemic and never seem to work themselves out in either a convincing or acceptable manner. Some things we are unable to discuss because it roils egos and generally upsets the delicate equilibrium that exists between the manufacturer, distributor and retailer, who all play a part in getting the product through the supply channel and into the waiting arms of the collector. The last time we commented in a public manner, the manufacturer took us to task on Facebook, essentially attempting to wash their hands of the problem by blaming another entity on a distant shore. We took it in stride, even though on a point by point basis, we were absolutely correct and others silently agreed.
Which leads me to our latest Forces of Valor update, or the lack thereof. We were told to expect the latest shipment in late January and then early February. That delivery date has now morphed into late February and could even slide into early March. We’re not sure why we are continually being told one thing one minute then something entirely different the next. It leaves us scratching our heads wondering who to believe and where to place our trust. Granted these are private companies that aren’t obligated to explain away all of the delays and therefore have no shareholders to answer to, quarterly reports to file or stock prices to follow if they were a public company. Still, it continually leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I’m sure it has an equally unpalatable effect on others as well. The good news, if we can point to a silver lining in this gun metal grey cloud looming overhead, is that a pair of 1:48 scale Cobra helicopters are supposed to be included in this shipment, when it was originally pegged for March or even April. Of course, this news too could change but this is the latest information we are being offered in lieu of missing another target date. Its a bright spot to be sure and hopefully points to other fruitful announcements in the not-too-distant future.
So, to sum up, please be patient as we continually await the arrival of this oft-delayed shipment. We certainly have learned the meaning of patience. At the end of the day, the manufacturer makes a truly remarkable product that collectors have learned to covet and proudly display for all the world to see. They just have to wait an eternity to receive it, something we wish would finally be addressed to everyone’s satisfaction so that we and others could say you could put credence in what is being said from everyone in the supply chain. Remember, one step forwards…