To borrow the title of a famous Otis Redding song, we should soon be receiving word on when the long-awaited Forces of Valor shipment has cleared customs and made its way to our distributor in Georgia. Right now, we anticipate delivery some time in the beginning of February, unless, of course, something else stands in its way, tsunamis notwithstanding. As all of you know by now, 2021 was an anxiety-filled year as far as getting in new product is concerned and we wouldn’t be surprised if the first half of 2022 is confronted by the very same issues.
Since we have a great many pre-orders in the system, particularly for the first Tiger I and newest Sherman tank, we will start to process each order based upon when it was sent in. So, if you submitted your order to us in, say, July of 2021, then you will get preferential treatment over someone that submitted their order to us more recently. Hey, fair’s fair and it simply doesn’t matter to us the size of your order, how you decided to pay us, or how many times you plan to contact us to ask about you order. Which, naturally enough, leads me to my next point. Communication.
Once we know for sure when our FOV order is on its way to us, we will temporarily ignore any and all messages, emails, phone calls, etc., asking when such-and-such order is expected to go out. Frankly, everything we need to discuss regarding the receipt of new product is posted on our web site along side each item’s description. Each time we’re asked to color outside the lines by fielding a phone call, answering a message or responding to an email means it takes us away from the business of actually processing and shipping out orders. Sorry to be so blunt, but if you’ve waited this long to find out about your order then a few more days won’t matter all that much in the final analysis. If you disagree, then we’ll simply cancel your order, refund your payment if the order was pre-paid, then move on to those customers that are willing to abide by our rules and not cause us any trouble while we do our utmost to get everything out the door as expeditiously as possible. Its a stressful process in its own right and adding additional anxiety by reaching out to us repeatedly doesn’t help anyone concerned, especially those customers more than willing to play ball with us.
While I could go on and on ad infinitum, we’d like to end this discourse on a positive note. We welcome and value your business. Soon, you will embrace your bouncing baby tank in all its glory. Have your nursery, er, display case ready, a box cutter in hand, and know that we’ve done our utmost to get you your prized possession in the quickest possible manner. Thank you and enjoy.