In the past, we’ve reserved our Forces of Valor updates for discussions on new merchandise either just hitting the air waves or expected imminently. However, given the issues we’ve faced with this manufacturer over the past few months, we thought you might like to know where we stand with them and how it ultimately affects everyone’s orders going forward. On January 25th, we received our re-stock shipment and, apart from one minor problem where they over-shipped us a model kit, all seemed well with little need for immediate follow up. Whew!
We also learned that they are currently moving their Forces of Valor inventory from one public warehouse to another, the latter better situated to receive and ship out orders to the vendor’s clientele. This new warehouse has a proven track record of getting out orders on time and with little incident. As strange as it may sound, however, the new public warehouse is located over 1,000 miles away from their current warehouse in Indiana, a stone’s throw away from Greenlight Collectibles, and originally designed to handle the overflow of inventory resulting from the Greenlight Collectibles purchase before the resulting turmoil. Its not clear if this is a permanent arrangement or one designed to last for just a few months until a more workable strategy has been put into place. At any rate, we’ve placed our order with them for all of the new merchandise they’ve supposedly received and are keeping our fingers crossed that it can be shipped out by the tail end of January so that it arrives at our facility the first week of February.

In regards to new merchandise being announced, the manufacturer has updated their Chinese web site, which now has several new scenic sets, accessories and other product listed and we presume ready for a Spring release. With the Nuremberg Toy Fair right around the corner, we’re hoping that more new items will be added to the site along with reliable release dates we feel confident they can adhere to further down the road.

In the mean time, if you’ve placed a pre-order for the merchandise slated for February, hang in there a little while longer until we can receive and turn around all of the orders we’ve received to date.