After motoring down the I-95 corridor for the better part of three days, then being instructed to take some back alley roads by Waze, we finally made it down to our new digs in Florida last week. Its taken us roughly a week to get everything sorted out including all of our inventory unpacked, racked out and ready for immediate picking. That said, we’re up-and-running and ready to resume business. All of the orders we received while we were on hiatus have been dropped off and should be meandering their way to their final destinations throughout the course of this week.
We’ve also instructed all of our principal vendors that they can resume shipping any orders they may have been holding for us over the last few weeks. We’re also getting updates on some of the delayed shipments that should be hitting the roadways this week, most notably the latest Forces of Valor releases as well as the recent spate of Hobby Master shipments. Barring any further issues, these should be arriving by the third week of January at which point we will make a herculean effort to get them turned around the moment they come in. That’s about it for now — we still have some things to address such as obtaining a replacement desk since the one I ordinarily use broke during the move so we’re temporarily using snack trays as stand-ins for sturdier office ware.We are also in dire need of some packing supplies since most were used for the move. All things being equal, we’re sort of glad the transition was made in early January rather than at any other time of the year since it gives us more time to ensure everything is done properly and on time. Thanks for bearing with us during this transition period.