In year’s past, we would have given our eye teeth for a cache of B-17 Flying Fortresses to sell during the Christmas rush. Easily one of the most popular warbirds of the Second World War, B-17s seem to hold a special place in the hearts of aviation enthusiasts, so long as the replica is accurate, affordable and available when the holidays roll around. This year, it appears as if Santa has answered our prayers with no less than three 1:72 scale Boeing B-17 bombers, all ready to be nestled under the Christmas tree with some room to spare.
Earlier today, we were informed by Corgi that “Little Miss Mischief” (AA33316), their latest and greatest rendition of the Flying Fortress, was being shipped out to us and is scheduled to arrive at our base of operations the last week of November.

Of course, we’ve also been selling the heck out of Air Force 1’s second rendition of the B-17, “Nine O Nine” (AF10110A), a more affordable version of the B-17 that does it justice from any number of vantage points. Happily, the Company also managed to scrounge up some of the first B-17s they released earlier in the year, “A Bit ‘O Lace” (AF10110). So while we would ordinarily be content to hawk at least one B-17 during the holidays, this year we have a trio ready for shipping, making 2017 a bumper year for the illustrious Flying Fortress.