As many of you may know, Dragon pulled up stakes in the US about a year or so ago, although no reason was given for the sudden move,. To date, no one has stepped forward to import the line, that is, until now. Rumor has it that one of our distributors is looking to bring back some, most or even all of the many ranges Dragon produces, beginning with their flourishing Neo Armor line. This, of course, comes at a crucial yet opportune time since Dragon has begun rolling out a number of new Neo Armor products that now cover both WWII as well as modern era subjects. We hope to have more concrete information by the weekend so bear with us as we wait to hear back from our source as they continue to hammer out the details.
Update: Great news for all you Dragon tread heads. We learned today that our distributor struck a deal with Dragon Models to import the Neo Dragon Armor line into North America. The first batch of vehicles are expected as early as this September, with additional shipments expected each month thereafter. We will be listing all of the new vehicles over the weekend and should have everything completed by Sunday. Bear in mind that the range has grown somewhat from its earlier iterations a couple of years ago and continues to gain momentum and new additions on a weekly basis. Furthermore, there are several items that we do not plan to stock, such as their JGSDF and South Korean AAVPs, as well as their JGSDF Bushmaster. These models have limited appeal here in North America and frankly we think it will take us a month of Sundays to move the inventory when we can best stick with those items we know we can sell without difficulty. Of course, these can still be ordered direct from Dragon on their web site. Lastly, we are exploring the feasibility of obtaining many or potentially all of the Cyber Hobby versions of each vehicle type that they plan to offer. Vehicles such as the Bushmaster and Boxer already have Cyber Hobby variants in the works, so its a good bet many if not all of their most recent introductions will be available as Cyber Hobby exclusives too.

We strongly suggest pre-ordering those items you may be interested in obtaining as quickly as possible because our pre-order with the distributor is due to be placed early next week. I know some of you like to create dioramas with multiple vehicles of the same type, so please bear this in mind if you hope to have your order filled as completely as possible.
Its noon Sunday. I’m bleary-eyed and over caffeinated but it appears as if we have successfully listed all of the newest Neo Dragon Armor items to our web site. We are still checking with the manufacturer to determine if any of the assortments come with limited edition “chase” vehicles. If so, we will offer them separately. We are still in the process of uploading ancillary images for each vehicle so the lone image uploaded for each vehicle will have to suffice for now. Again, please peruse these new listings at your earliest opportunity and submit your orders early so we can best determine the quantities we will need to order from our distributor. Since we are no longer ordering from Dragon Models USA, its very possible that we will only be able to order each new item once before it is sold out and no longer available for re-order.