While everything in the world seems to be going up in price, we’re happy to report that at least one item has successfully downshifted. We learned today that the upcoming fleet of M1 Abrams tanks from Panzerkampf will now be priced at $49.99 apiece, a 20% reduction off of its original price of $59.99. A couple of vehicles are expected to return to stock some time this May and, if luck be a lady, the balance should be in stock by the end of this summer, sooner if the logistical logjam plaguing our ports finally get straightened out. Also expected this May is the desert version of the M1070 heavy equipment transporter, which will go nicely with any of the vehicles shown on our site.

Incidentally, if you were fortunate enough to pre-order any of the upcoming Abrams tanks at the incredible price of just $39.99 when we first trotted them out, then we will honor this price. Enjoy!