Eaglemoss: The Neutral Zone or Bust

Every Wednesday, Eaglemoss draws back the curtains on a handful of upcoming Star Trek starships. While nothing was in the hopper this week, the Company did announce plans to produce yet another subscription-based series — this time around offering busts of several major Star Trek characters. The first is, of course, Captain Kirk, as he was portrayed in the Original TV Series (TOS) by William Shatner. Each bust stands between 4.5″ to 6″ tall, comes with a full-color magazine, and carries a MSRP of $29.99. Kirk is holding both a communicator and a hand-held phaser and is wearing a gold-tone uniform befitting a command officer. The first bust is tentatively scheduled for a fourth quarter release, so get your gold-pressed Latinum laid out in neat piles ready for processing.

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