May 22, 2018

Tales of Transparency: Of Helicopters and Rotorcraft

Beginning today, we are launching a new section in our blog entitled Tales of Transparency. The ultimate goal is to establish a clear line of communication between the customer and the vendor and reduce the so-called “friction” that can occur as each attempts to understand the other and make any transaction as seamless as possible.

To kick things off, we amended our Diecast Military Helicopter section to reflect the growing use of tilt-wing rotorcraft in many of today’s air forces. With new aircraft coming online soon, such as the Bell V-280 Valor title rotor aircraft, and the increasing usage of drones to spy on and engage the enemy in real-time, we felt it was high time that our web site remained in lock-step with today’s headlines and advances in military hardware. So, we’ve updated the name of the main category, moved around some sub sections, and generally performed some housecleaning exercises aimed at better segregating each type of diecast replica. We hope you enjoy these changes.

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Eaglemoss: Smoke and Mirrors in the Star Trek Universe

Eaglemoss’ Star Trek Discovery Klingon Bird-of-Prey (23rd century)

I have to admit that when I first laid eyes on the Eaglemoss rendition of a Star Trek Discovery Klingon Bird-of-Prey I was a bit mystified. To me, it looked nothing like I was expecting and resembled something from a different sci-fi universe. Apparently, the sample was photographed from a strange angle, showing off little in the way of detail and an oddly-shaped configuration to boot. Happily, the manufacturer has finally uploaded a couple of more acceptable images of the starship, which better shows off the craftsmanship that when into the replica as well as the angle of its dihedral wings. Expected some time in June, we anticipate brisk sales of this replica now that everyone can better appreciate what is in the offing.

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