Odds and Ends for September

Earlier today, we listed all of the July Hobby Master products as being in stock even though they are set to arrive early next week. Candidly, they were supposed to arrive this week but Historic Sales ran into some issues stocking the items at their new facility in Georgia. Couple that with the fact that we are going away later this week and were therefore unable to accept inbound deliveries, so we thought it best to simply delay their arrival rather than risk some packages being left at our doorstep and quite possibly snatched up by some would-be porch pirates. To make a long story short, you can order any of the items now listed in the September Arrivals sections but we will ship them out as soon as we return on the 6th.

Other than that, there isn’t much we are expecting in the next week or two, unless something suddenly pops up on the radar that we weren’t aware of. The port congestion issues affecting much of the west coast are still alive and well and are hopefully being dealt with in an expeditious manner otherwise the coming holiday season is going to be chaotic at best.

We did hear that both PMA and Air Force 1 are on the water although no dates of arrival have yet been set. Panzerkampf, Forces of Valor, Corgi, et al are still pretty much up in the air so there is no point in discussing when we can begin to see their arrival dates get updated. We are hoping that after the Labor Day weekend we will have more concrete information to work from and a better sense of what may or may not be ship-able this holiday season. Frankly, in all my years of working in the toy business, in one capacity or another, I don’t remember working with so little information to make an education idea of how to proceed, in large part due to the tumult still affecting the global supply chain. There’s a very good chance that many items originally slated to arrive this year will be delayed until 2022 so it behooves everyone to double-check with us first before pinning your hopes and dreams on a piece of diecast Santa hasn’t included in his holiday run. That’s it for now and enjoy the Labor Day weekend…

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